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Minimally Invasive Dentistry in Brunswick, Maine.

The main goal of minimally invasive dentistry, or microdentistry, is to conserve the most healthy tooth structure possible.  Using modern scientific advances, minimally invasive dentists perform the least amount of dentistry needed while never removing more of the tooth structure than is required to restore teeth to their healthy condition.


Here at Dr Bobs Family Dentistry in Brunswick, I use a dental operating microscope to perform 100% of all my dentistry.  I belong to an organization called The Academy of Microscope Enhanced Dentistry (AMED).  The mission of the Academy is to serve the dental profession and the public by being a source of scientific evidence-based information (as evidenced by microscopic magnification), and an advocate on the advantages of the operating stereomicroscope and associated operative techniques in microdentistry.  The Academy has not only educated and inspired me as to the benefits of microscopic dentistry,  but it has allowed me to grow from our combined wealth of experiences by sharing both failures as well as successes. 

I have been using the dental operating microscope for over ten years now, and I consider it to be the most valuable piece of technology that I use.  The  microscope has truly transformed the way I practice dentistry in ways I never imagined.  The microscope gives me increased precision and a higher level of confidence that all decay has been removed.  When utilizing lasers, the microscope is very helpful in better observing laser-tissue interactions.  Most importantly, however, the microscope enables me to better diagnose problems early and effectively communicate these problems to my patients.  

As a patient,  you should expect nothing less than the best.  At Dr Bobs Family Dentistry, we would have it no other way!  There are so many benefits to minimally invasive dentistry.  By utilizing the microscope, I am able to see all of the tiny details that are not captured with dental loops or the naked eye.  This allows for a precise diagnosis.  There is no guess work involved. This exact science allows for early detection saving you time and costly mistakes.  At Dr Bobs Family Dentistry we believe the best form of dentistry is done right the first time, and it lasts.  

In summary the past 10 years of restorative microdentistry has taught me a lot. Here are five of hundreds of things that I have discovered in my magnification journey:


  1. Early crack diagnosis occurs at 16X (power). Anything less is guess or end stage diagnosis (end stage referring to loss of pulp or fracture causing loss of cusp or fracture requiring subsequent extraction)

  2. Dentistry is way more complex and way more iatrogenic than I thought before

  3. Tooth color restorations require far more magnification than metal restorations

  4. Without a microscope, you might become a second class endodontic clinician

  5. I sleep far better at night knowing "I truly gave it my all today" for my patients

Stay healthy!


Dr Bob

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